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Experienced Roof Gravel Removal and Equipment for Businesses and Contractors

Exterior Maintenance provides dependable and budget-friendly roof gravel removal for any commercial building. With the help of our experienced crew and cutting-edge equipment, we suck away the gravel, so you can enjoy a new roof that’s sturdier and more durable.

In addition to gravel roof vacuuming, we also sell, rent, and lease the equipment. If you are a roofing contractor, our supplies help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. Our modern technology sucks away gravel in no time with affordable prices on new and used models. Get in touch to request our roof vacuuming services or acquire equipment for your next job.


Roof Gravel Removal

When you need to remove or replace the gravel on your flat roof, trust the team at Exterior Maintenance to handle the work.


Roof Vacuum Sales

In addition to providing vacuuming services, we also offer vacuum equipment for sale.


Roof Vacuum Rentals And Leasing

Ideal for roofing contractors and construction companies that want to add gravel removal to their services.

Let's Go to Work!

When your building has an aging gravel roof, we are your first call. Don’t hesitate to ask about our services located around the country. We are ready to help. Call today, and our gravel roof vacuuming services will help you get that new roof over your head.

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